Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This month the Hindi and English translations of Malayalam poems will be posted. The poets who are chosen are established contemporary malayalam poets.

Malayalam original : A.Aiyappan

Translation : Dr. Santosh Alex


The history teacher stammered
he swallowed the truths of history.
For him history means
to boast
about one’s own family.
His son
is an expert
in making paper boats.
One day
he broke the bundles of history
and made planes, ships and boats.
The plane soared high
The boats and ships
turned blue and red in water.

Women and Handicapped

Malayalam original - Savithri Rajeevan
Translation : Dr. Santosh Alex

Women and Handicapped

I am handicapped
Whether I travel towards north
to the western banks
to the eastern mountains
or to the south
I get a seat in the bus.

Not only in cinema theatre, railway station
Ambalapuzha and Alappuzha
even in ration shop and in polling booth
I ...have a place to stand.
In choice, death
laughter, pyre
and even in court
I am protected.

Still my place is always
with women
among women.
I don't know whether
women too are handicapped.

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